Current healthcare market is facing new opportunities and challenges. We provide the entire scope of marketing research through focused specialization, developed resources/ technologies and well-built relationships across the industry. By connecting proprietary information with client data we deliver high-value market intelligence to inform business decisions. Collaborating on project planning and delivery with client team makes possible developing insights and strategies that can beat the market over a long-term.

Find the solution that fits your needs!
  • What is the current market like?
  • What position does your brand own?
  • How is your brand doing against competitors?
  • What consumer groups do you intend to target?
  • Does your strategy satisfy the target audience's needs?
  • How are your products and company perceived?
  • How is your FF performing?
Market evaluation and brand tracking
Market evaluation and brand tracking
1. What is the market like and how will it evolve?
  • Market size, trends and dynamics
  • Market forecast
  • Epidemiology, patient profiles and patient flows, drug funding and reimbursement
  • Promotional activities
2. Your market position
  • Market segments, TA size, growth potential
  • Current prescribing and utilization practices
  • Patient compliance patterns
3. Your brand against competitors
  • Sales value/volume and potential sales vs. competitors
  • HCPs and patients’ preferences
  • Information channels
  • Key factors affecting prescribing and consumption
  • Funding and purchasing channels
  • Pricing
  • Market presence, attracting potential customers, growth drivers & barriers
Assessing promotion efficiency
What is your target audience

What is your target audience

  • TA’s profile/potential for growth
  • Losing your TA due to gaps in the diagnosis and patient journey
  • Mapping of HCPs and patients

How is your brand perceived

How is your brand perceived

  • Company and brand awareness
  • Perception of promotional activities and impact on prescribing and use
  • Company, FF and brand image

How is your FF performing

How is your FF performing

  • Promotion efficiency: number and quality of visits
  • HCPs' satisfaction, retention of key messages
  • Product perception by TA, the perceived link between product and key messages

  • Policies and regulation analysis
  • Expert interviews
  • FGs
  • F2F interviews
  • Quantitative offline and online surveys
  • Pharmacy-related / drug-related research
  • Desk studies, analysis of databases
  • Client oriented analytics
Target audience
  • KOLs
  • Procurement Officers
  • Heads of Clinic Departments /HCPs
  • Patients/ patients’ relatives
  • Heads of Pharmacies /Pharmacists
  • Consumers/pharmacy visitors
  • Pharma /Distributors